Move 4 Life Project

Move 4 life project at Masizame

The Move 4 life project’s primary focus is to address the developmental deficiencies in neglected children between the ages of 4 and 18 years old.

Consistent testing and statistical protocols have shown that new intake children lack object control skills such as catching, striking a ball and throwing, amongst other, and that some time spent developing these skills in a controlled environment leads to full recovery. Being able to play like normal children afford them the opportunity to develop the social and mental aspects around sports participation.

The Move 4 Life programme also caters for teenagers. Adolescents often find it necessary to explore their physical boundaries and as such discover themselves and learn about peer support. This programme is an all-round developmental system teaching diligence, discipline and health awareness.

Bank Details for Donations

First National Bank
REF: Move4life
Account number: 6207 8381 1151
Branch code: 21514