Each of our services are designed to be the most effective & customized to your individual needs.
Clinical Exercise Prescription
Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight or treat a chronic pain problem, Biokineticists are specialists at clinical exercise prescription. This means that we use exercise as medicine.
Exercise For The Elderly & Frail
Exercise For The Elderly & Frail revolves around overcoming obstacles you might face in your road to ageing healthy and being as able as you possibly can.
Pre & Post Surgical Rehab
Biokineticists specialise in exercise prescription for patients after surgery. In cases where surgery needs to be delayed the Biokineticist will assist with therapeutic exercise…
Sports Injury Rehab & High Performance
Sports populations often struggle with overuse injuries due to the high frequency of participation in one or more activity.
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Orthopaedic rehabilitation includes remedial treatment for any joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, or bone related chronic or acute injury. In simple terms…
Discovery Vitality Testing & Wellness Days
Our practice is registered with Discovery to perform Vitality Fitness Assessments on the Wattbike or Treadmill.
Fundamental Movement Skills Development for Children & Adolescents
Every parent wants the best for their child, especially during the early stages of development. Often when discrepancies are corrected early on the child can excel to their full potential.
Balance & Gait Retraining
In many cases people develop gait/walking abnormalities due to balance difficulties, previous surgery or injury. Let us Help you today.
Special Populations
If you suffer from chronic illness such as arthritis, muscle dystrophy, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, and the likes, consulting a Biokineticist is very important.
DNA Analysis
DNA analysis to determine your sensitivity to various macronutrients and specific exercise. By taking this DNA test you will know which types…